Now you don't need to travel Lucknow to enjoy the iconic Tunday 's Galawati Kebab you can very well create the same magic in your own Kitchen with Nawab's Secret Spicemix. Lucknow Kebab also known as Galavati / Galauti Kebab are considered as the best Kebab in the world owing to its melt in the mouth characteristic and unique taste and flavour. It comprises of some of the most exotic spices and herbs which impart them such a heavenly taste and aroma that make it unparalleled in the Kabab World. Nawab's Secret Lucknow Kabab Masala comprises of all the secret spices herbs and roots which goes on to make this grand Kebab in the same exact proportion. Also the recipe provided with the Kabab Masala is the original recipe which has been traditionally followed by the Barwarchi since the Nawab's time.