Devadaru also called as Himalayan cedar literally means Wood of the Gods. It is extremely useful in neurological conditions. It nourishes the liver and maintains healthy cholesterol levels.When applied locally, it helps to relieve inflammation. Devadaru belongs to group of herbs which is useful in balancing Vata dosha.Botanical name: Cedrus deodaraFamily: PinaceaeThe dried heartwood of the herb is used to make powder.Rasa: Tikta, Katu, KashayaGuna: Ruksha, LaghuVeerya: UshnaVipaka: KatuBalances Kapha and Vata dosha.AgatsyanDevadaru Churna benefits:· Treats cough, cold, rhinitis, hiccups, fever, allergies· Useful in abdominal distension, worm infestation, constipation· Manages skin disorders· Accelerates quick wound healing and cleanses infested wounds· Treats blood disorders· Anti diabetic· Diuretic· It is very helpful in Sutika (puerperal) disorders.· An ingredient for various Panchakarma procedures.
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited