Vernacular Names:- East-Indian screw tree Nut-leaved screw tree Assamese: aantmoraa mriga shing Bengali: antamora Gujarati: aantedi hatedi mardashingi Hindi: marorphali Kachchhi: aanted aantijo jhad Kannada: bhutakarulu chuchulu edamuri gida kadakalnaru kavargi kauri murudi murugikaayi gida Muradaarasingi Murudaarasingi Konkani: kevan Malayalam: eeswaramooli ransvaramulla valampiri Marathi: ati dhamani kevan muradsheng Nepali: kapaase marorphali mriingaa phaarsaa Odia: murmuri Punjabi: maror phali Rajasthani: marorphali Sanskrit: ajasrngi avartani mrrngi murva Tamil: itampuri valam-puri Telugu: nulitada Tulu: balamuri Urdu: maror phali. Safety Warning:- All products sold by our firm are natural. If you are allergic of taking any type of product then you must consult a good Ayurveda Doctor or Herb Specialist or Your Concerned Doctor and make sure about the Quantity and Dosage of this Product. If you ignore this safety warning we are not responsible for any kind of adverse effect of this product.
Product Dimensions:
18 x 25.5 x 5 cm; 100 Grams
Item Dimensions LxWxH:
18 x 25.5 x 5 Centimeters