Free radical damage is often the main cause of major chronic and degenerative diseases. Antioxidants play a crucial role in the bodys defence against free radicals. Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C antioxidants and essential nutrients that prevent free radical damage and promote overall well-being and vitality.Amla Syrup is a tangy blend of amla and cardamom that helps combat free radicals reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and promoting cellular health AVP Hitham Amla Syrup is a tangy blend of amla and cardamom that helps combat free radicals reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and promoting cellular health. AVP Hitham Amla Syrup is made from the finest Indian gooseberries. This tantalising blend is rich in Vitamin C and rejuvenating properties with a characteristic flavour of cardamom that helps boost immunity improves digestion and promotes overall well-being.