Skin conditions characterised by Pitta predominance bring about a relentless cycle of discomfort and irritation. The fiery nature of Pitta dosha in Ayurveda manifests as redness inflammation and a persistent burning sensation that can leave individuals feeling utterly exasperated. Thikthakam Kashayam Tablets from the house of AVP contains ingredients such as Chandana Katuki Brahmi etc. which are cold in potency making it a suitable formula for skin conditions and other diseases with Pitta predominance.It helps relieve skin diseases characterised by burning sensations and oozing by aiding soothing relief with its unique blend of ingredients. Pitta dosha predominance suggests inflammation in the body that manifests as redness swelling burning sensation and much more. Ingredients like Chandana Thikthaka Nimba and Patola in the formulation pacify the Pitta dosha and helps relieve discomfort associated with Skin conditions Piles digestive issues non healing ulcers abscess etc.